Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Day Roberto Stole My Blood

The feeling of relief is an amazing thing. It feels like a 30 pound weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I’m finally done. No more scary hospitals, no more scary doctors, no more scary tests. Done.

I walk around the corner of the brightly lit hallway with my mom and the doctor.
“You’ll probably just have to get some blood taken, but that’s it,” my doctor says casually.
Yeaaaah okaaaay sure. They probably want me to come back in a couple months, but after awhile they will probably forget they even wanted to take my blood. Thank God I’ve never actually had to do that. Just the thought of it freaks me the hell out.

We continue walking around the corner and come to a little office on the right. We’re finally checking out. I’ve been here in this torturous place for 2 hours already and the scratchy, red wallpaper is starting to make me feel uncomfortable.  

“This is Roberto,” my doctor says to me, gesturing his hand towards the man behind the counter.
“Nice to meet you,” I reply kindly. Why is he introducing me to this guy? Maybe he’s trying to set me up with him. He’s kinda fine, and probably not over… 30.
“He’s one of the best guys we have,” my doctor continued. “All the little kids adore him. He has a way of making everyone feel really comfortable.”
Uhh okay that’s great, Doc. Is he really still talking to me? This man is so friggin’ weird.

“Okay come sit down,” Roberto says in his sexy, smooth accent. I pause for a second, not quite sure if he’s talking to me. I look over and see a hard, plastic chair in the corner. Then, it all hits me at once. He wants my blood. Holy shit Roberto is a vicious, thirsty vampire and I’m about to die. Well maybe not really, but this man is not about to stick a needle into my arm.

“Oh my God no!” I exclaim as I start to walk backwards.
“Jenna you have to do it,” my mom warns me. “They might be able to help you if they test your blood.”
“You did not tell me they were gonna do this!” I respond, trying to not freak out at her too much.
“I thought you knew... I was wondering why you were acting so calm!” she replies with a slight chuckle.

I spend about 10 minutes trying to convince Roberto that my blood was perfectly fine and taking it from me won’t help solve any of my issues. This is my biggest fear. The thing that makes me cringe just to think about. The one thing I just can’t handle. Simply the thought of straightening out my arm makes me feel weak.

Meanwhile, Roberto is trying to convince me that everything will be fine and he does this to little kids all the time. Everything he says to me I quickly respond to with a sassy remark. I can’t control what I say when I’m this scared. Luckily, he just laughs and thinks it’s funny.

After giving myself a quick pep talk, I calm myself down a little and let him do it. I feel the needle go in and immediately feel my face flush. Oh god. I can’t do this. I ask Roberto if he’s done yet and he says no.
I’m gonna pass out. The air around me is heavy. It’s hard to see. I can’t look up because the room is spinning in circles.
“Oh no you don’t look so good, let me get you a lollipop,” Roberto says frantically. I start to freak out more. I take the bright green lollipop out of its wrapper and try to eat it. Ew. I hate candy. And Roberto. Just kidding I don’t mean that, he seems like a very nice guy.
The doctor I was with earlier walks by and glances over at me.
“Your face is the same color as your lollipop!” he says, clearly trying to be funny, and clearly failing his attempt.
“Don’t tell her that,” my mom says nervously.
I let out a weak groan and Roberto tells me I need to lay down. Next thing I know, I’m on the floor and my mom is complaining about how she needs to pee. But I won’t let her let go of my hand. Wow I’m about to die. This sucks. Roberto rushes towards me with a Capri Sun. How’d he know I love juice pouches? Damn, Rob.
“Drink this,” he tells me. “The sugar should help raise your blood sugar back up.” I grab it and start chugging. And by chugging I mean drinking out of the straw as fast as I can. Straws are pretty limiting when you think about it.

Minutes pass and I’m still on the floor. I try to get up but my head feels like a feather. I soon mimic a feather as I start to slowly float in a downward spiral, making my way back to the floor.  

As soon as I’m fully conscious again, I realize that I’m sitting up eating crackers. I see Roberto and apologize to him 30 million times for being such a psycho. I finally get up and my mom helps me walk out of the room. I can’t believe that just happened. We walk over to the front desk and they let me take a sticker. I love stickers. I look through the neatly stacked pile. They’re all dinosaurs. What the hell is this. I chose the velociraptor. I only find it proper that I receive the most bad-ass dino to have walked the planet (or so they say).

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